Kyle Hanniman writes article in the National Post
Former IMFG Post-Doctoral Fellow, Kyle Hanniman, wrote an article in the National Post called “What if a province goes the way of Greece?“
Enid Slack gives presentation to OGRA/ROMA Combined Conference
IMFG Director Enid Slack gave a presentation to the OGRA/ROMA Combined Conference in Toronto, on February 23rd, called “Enough Talk: The Case for Permitting New Municipal Revenue Tools.”
IMFG report referenced in Globe and Mail article on new Toronto budget
IMFG’s Perspectives 7 report, “Is Toronto Fiscally Healthy?” was referenced in an article in The Globe and Mail on Toronto’s new budget called “Toronto’s property-tax hike may be slight, but not […]
IMFG mentioned in Toronto Star article on Section 37
IMFG was mentioned in a Toronto Star article on Section 37 called “Section 37 — What it is, and why everybody’s fighting about it.”
Murtaza Haider quoted in article in Metro News Toronto
IMFG Visiting Scholar Murtaza Haider was quoted in an article in Metro News Toronto called “Why the deaths of children in Peshawar matter in Canada.”
Murtaza Haider writes article in the Huffington Post Canada
IMFG Visiting Scholar Murtaza Haider wrote an article in the Huffington Post Canada, called “Don’t Tie Graduate Salaries to a Grad School’s Reputation.”