Alan Broadbent on panel at Congress 2014, Brock University
On May 29th, IMFG Chair Alan Broadbent participated on a panel called “If Mayors Ruled the World,” at Congress 2014: Borders without Boundaries, held at Brock University, May 24-30, 2014.
Articles in the media on IMFG’s paper on provincial-municipal relations
An article appeared in Cornwall’s Standard-Freehold on May 23rd, on IMFG’s Perspectives 6 paper on provincial-municipal relations called “Ontario municipalities are stuck between a rock and a hard place.”
IMFG’s 3rd Annual City Manager’s Address – presentation now available
Toronto: Looking Forward 2014-2018 Keynote Speaker: Joseph P. Pennachetti, Toronto City Manager; Moderator: Anne Golden, Ryerson University, and former President and CEO of the Conference Board of Canada
Enid Slack gives presentation to the Windsor-Essex Policy & Solutions Forum
On May 15, IMFG Director Enid Slack gave a presentation to the Windsor-Essex Policy & Solutions Forum, entitled “Property Tax Incentives 101: Pros and Cons.”
Alan Broadbent gives keynote address to Notre Montreal
On May 21st, IMFG Chair Alan Broadbent gave a keynote address to Notre Montreal, an intitiative of Canadian Rights in Quebec (CRITIQ), on the issue of special status for Montreal within Quebec.
IMFG releases new paper on Ontario’s provincial-municipal relations
The Government of Ontario’s arrangements with local governments are facing pressures for reform, and the Province’s challenging fiscal conditions could be the catalyst for a rethink about how provincial-municipal affairs […]