Global New Morning: Aaron Moore on Winnipeg’s Municipal Election Day.
IMFG Fellow Aaron Moore spoke to Winnipeg’s Global News Morning to discuss Winnipeg’s municipal election day.
Globe and Mail: Obituary for Blanche van Ginkel
The Globe and Mail published an obituary on the life of Blanche van Ginkel, calling her a key figure in 20th century architecture. She worked with Le Corbusier and helped […]
Globe and Mail: Alan Broadbent on Low Voter Engagement in Municipal Elections
IMFG Chair Alan Broadbent commented in the Globe and Mail on the effect of lower voter engagement in municipal elections on introducing new ideas to the civic discourse.
Beyond the Headlines: Enid Slack on Toronto’s Financial Situtation
IMFG Director Enid Slack appeared on CIUT’s Beyond the Headlines to discuss Toronto’s fiscal health in the light of the municipal election and the effects of the pandemic.
CTV News: Aaron Moore Says Winnipeg Mayoral Election Too Close to Call
IMFG Fellow Aaron Moore called Winnipeg’s mayoral election to close to call on Winnipeg’s CTV News.
Global News: Aaron Moore on Winnipeg Mayor Candidates Campaign Promises
IMFG Fellow Aaron Moore appeared on Winnipeg’s Global News to discuss how mayoral candidates have limited revenue options to fulfill big-ticket campaign promises.