An Expanded Role for Colleges in the Successful Integration of Immigrants
Alan Broadbent gave a speech to the Association of Community Colleges of Canada on “An Expanded Role for Colleges in the Successful Integration of Immigrants.”
OECD Experience on Municipal Finance under Federalism: Implications for India, Presentation by Enid Slack
Enid Slack gave a presentation entitled “OECD Experience on Municipal Finance under Federalism: Implications for India”, at the International Roundtable on India Municipal Finance Study in Seoul, Korea.
Taxation and Decentralization at the World Bank
Richard Bird, IMFG Senior Fellow, lectured and prepared a policy note on taxation and decentralization at the World Bank in May.
Paying the Bills in the City of Toronto, Presentation by Enid Slack
Enid Slack participated in a Webinar on “Paying the Bills in the City of Toronto” in preparation for the 2010 Maytree Leadership Conference on “A City for Tomorrow: Creating Prosperity […]
ALLIES (Assisting Local Leaders with Immigrant Employment Strategies) conference
Alan Broadbent gave a speech at the ALLIES (Assisting Local Leaders with Immigrant Employment Strategies) conference in Halifax, NS on key elements in building a successful organization for integrating immigrants […]
Fiscal Sustainability – Where is Toronto Headed?, Presentation by Enid Slack
Enid Slack made a presentation at a breakfast meeting of the Canadian Urban Institute entitled “Fiscal Sustainability – Where is Toronto Headed?”