IMFG Director Enid Slack Cited in The Economist
IMFG Director Enid Slack and the late Richard Bird were cited in The Economist on their work on property tax reform in Ontario for an article on China’s new property […]
IMFG Director Enid Slack Published New Paper on Megacities and Multi-Level Governance
IMFG Director Enid Slack publishes a new paper called “The Rise of Megacities and Multi-Level Governance” as part of the Forum of Federations’ occasional paper series.
IMFG Director Enid Slack Discussed Amalgamation on CKGL 570News
IMFG Director Enid Slack appeared on Kitchener-Waterloo’s CKGL 570News to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of regional amalgamation.
IMFG Post-Doctoral Fellow Julie Mah Interviewed on Evictions Research for CBC Online
The 2020–2021 IMFG Post-Doctoral Fellow, Julie Mah, was featured in a CBC online story about her paper on Evictions in Toronto where she called for more collaboration and data sharing […]
IMFG Director Enid Slack in Alberta series, “Beyond Local: Bridging the Municipal Funding Gap”
As part of the “Beyond Local: Bridging the Municipal Funding Gap” series, Airdrie Today quoted IMFG Director Enid Slack on how municipal responsibilities are changing while revenue sources remain the […]
IMFG Fellow Zack Taylor’s Co-Authored Research Featured on CBC Online
IMFG Fellow Zack Taylor’s co-authored research on the urban-rural divide between Liberals and Conservatives was featured on CBC online.