IMFG’s Visiting Scholar Harry Kitchen presents at AMCTO
Harry Kitchen, IMFG’s Visiting Scholar, presented a seminar on “Local Taxes and User Fees: Myths and Realities” at the Association of Municipal Managers, Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario (AMCTO) , […]
Abigail Friendly, IMFG’s 2015-2016 Post-Doctoral Fellow, appointed Assistant Professor at Utrecht University
IMFG’s 2015-2016 Post-Doctoral Fellow Abigail Friendly has been appointed Assistant Professor in Human Geography and Spatial Planning at Utrecht University, Netherlands, starting in July 2017.
IMFG Graduate Fellow Austin Zwick awarded C. Lowell Harriss Dissertation Fellowship
IMFG Graduate Fellow Austin Zwick was awarded the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy’s C. Lowell Harriss Dissertation Fellowship.
IMFG’s Visiting Scholar Harry Kitchen at Special City Council Meeting, Kingston
Harry Kitchen, IMFG’s Visiting Scholar, led a discussion on “Financing Municipal Services as Communities Age” at a Special City Council Meeting, Kingston on April 25, 2017.
IMFG featured on new Cities@UofT website
IMFG was featured on Cities@UofT – a new website showcasing the University of Toronto’s expertise in all things urban: research, teaching and engagement/outreach.
IMFG featured in this month’s issue of eFocus Municipal Assessment & Taxation
This month’s issue of eFocus Municipal Assessment & Taxation (subscribers only), a subscription-based taxation report, made mention of two IMFG upcoming presentations.