15 Sep, 2016

IMFG Perspectives Paper: National Urban Policy: A Roadmap for Canadian Cities

Complex urban challenges require new thinking both locally and nationally: New paper from the Institute on Municipal Finance and Governance examines the case for a national urban agenda in Canada.

Toronto, September 15, 2016  – The complex economic, social, demographic, and environmental challenges facing cities today require new forms of governance and a common vision for cities nationally.

In the Perspectives paper, National Urban Policy: A Roadmap for Canadian Cities, author Abigail Friendly focuses national policymaking. Although the Canadian Constitution does not outline an official relationship between the federal government and municipalities, Friendly argues that it is nevertheless time for a national urban agenda in Canada.


Abigail Friendly was IMFG’s post-doctoral fellow for 2015-2016. Her main research project for IMFG compared land value capture in São Paulo, Brazil, and Toronto, Canada. Abigail has a Ph.D. in Planning from the University of Toronto. Her dissertation was called “Implementing Progressive Planning in Brazil: Understanding the Gap between Rhetoric and Practice.”

For more information, please contact:
Selena Zhang | Manager, Programs and Research
Institute on Municipal Finance and Governance, University of Toronto
selena.zhang@utoronto.ca | 416-978-2168