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Presentation | 2013

The City and its People: Civic Engagement Strategies for Residents

Discussions about urban governance often overlook the role of city residents, concentrating instead on developers, politicians and municipalities. This presentation focused on the case of a neighbourhood civic movement in Toronto and its residents’ strategies to influence local governance and development.
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Presentation | 2013

Mobilizing Private Investment in Affordable Housing: Lessons from the US

The shortage of affordable housing is a major problem in Toronto. But little new affordable supply is being built, social housing units require major capital repairs, and provincial and federal finances are tight. In the United States, the private sector plays a greater role in building and rehabilitating affordable housing through tax credits and innovative financing and partnership models. Are there lessons for Ontario?
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Presentation | 2013

KPMG: A Private Sector Perspective on Municipal P3s

A growing number of cities are turning to public-private partnerships (P3s) to finance their infrastructure investments. What are the advantages and disadvantages of P3s as a municipal financing model? How do they work? And what role do the federal and provincial governments play?
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Presentation | 2013

Public-Private Partnerships in Canada: An Overview

A growing number of cities are turning to public-private partnerships (P3s) to finance their infrastructure investments. What are the advantages and disadvantages of P3s as a municipal financing model? How do they work? And what role do the federal and provincial governments play?
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Presentation | 2013

Ottawa's Transit P3: The Confederation Line

A growing number of cities are turning to public-private partnerships (P3s) to finance their infrastructure investments. What are the advantages and disadvantages of P3s as a municipal financing model? How do they work? And what role do the federal and provincial governments play?
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