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Presentation | 2012

Section 37: What 'Benefits' and for Whom?

In recent years, the City of Toronto’s use of Section 37 has come under greater scrutiny. In particular, critics question how the benefits are determined and distributed. Using data compiled on Section 37 agreements from 2007 through 2011, this presentation seeks to answer that question.
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Presentation | 2012

Reflections on Toronto’s Fiscal Health and the Decade Ahead: A Discussion with the City Manager

In 2011, the City of Toronto initiated a service review and multi-year budgeting process to achieve long term fiscal sustainability. Toronto City Manager, Joe Pennachetti discusses the various transformational changes taken over the last year to stabilize the City's fiscal position, and future strategic directions the City can take to build an economically vibrant and inclusive Toronto.
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Presentation | 2012

Adding Value: The Link between Engineers and Municipal Infrastructure Finance and Governance

The Canadian water and wastewater deficit has been estimated to be in the billions of dollars. Drawing upon the political, economic, and technical history of the Southern Ontario water sector, IMFG Graduate Fellowship winner Lesley Herstein explores how short-term decision-making has often resulted in greater municipal expenditure over time on water assets.
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Presentation | 2012

Crossing Boundaries: Governing Transportation in the Toronto City Region

As the city region expands and the number of actors increases, governing transportation becomes more and more complicated. IMFG Graduate Fellowship winner Scott Sams discusses whether an effective, accountable, and coordinated transportation system can be achieved without resorting to amalgamating all existing transit authorities into one.
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