IMFG Paper | 2015

Can GTA Municipalities Raise Property Taxes?

Have Greater Toronto Area (GTA) municipalities raised their property tax rates to the point at which they are likely to lose tax revenue? In other words, will further tax rate increases lower the size of the tax base? How important is tax competition between municipalities in the GTA?
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Perspectives Paper | 2014

Linking Regions, Linking Functions

This paper describes the reasons for forming inter-municipal agreements, discusses the different forms these agreements take, and presents the findings of a 2012 survey of Ontario municipalities that examined the nature of shared services arrangements.
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Perspectives Paper | 2014

The Times They Are A-Changin’ (Mostly)

This paper profiles election campaigns in six of Ontario’s biggest cities – Hamilton, London, Mississauga, Ottawa, Toronto and Windsor. For each of the six cities, a local expert was recruited to take on this task.
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Perspectives Paper | 2014

The Many Faces of Leadership in a Thriving City

A key ingredient in Toronto’s success has been the city-building and civic leadership that has emerged from private firms, public institutions, non-profits, and cultural sector organizations in Toronto’s wider civil society. This paper reflects on how, for any great city, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
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IMFG Paper | 2014

A Better Local Business Tax: The BVT

This paper makes the case for a local business tax. The BVT is better than the discriminatory and heavy real property taxes currently levied on businesses in Ontario and other provinces. Moreover, such a tax would be complementary rather than competitive to VATs like the GST and HST.
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