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Forum Paper | 2022

Digital Dilemmas: Technology, Governance, and Canadian Municipalities

Digital Dilemmas: Technology, Governance, and Canadian Municipalities summarizes findings from three panel discussions from the winter and spring of 2022 focusing on the platform economy, smart city technology, and cyberattacks as well as the relevant literature, providing direction for municipal leaders hoping to chart a course for their organizations through this uncertain landscape.
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Video | 2022

Security Breach: Municipalities and the Cyberattack Threat

On March 1, 2022. a panel of academics and practitioners examined the growing threat of cyberattack to local governments in Canada and other parts of the world. How do municipalities need to adjust process and existing practices? What is the risk? What are the costs of action/inaction? Where do municipalities start to ensure they are protected?
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Video | 2022

Data Dilemmas: Municipalities and Smart-City Technology

On February 16, 2022, a panel of academics and practitioners examined the growing smart city industry and the advancement of data-intensive public infrastructure in Canada. The panel featured Merlin Chatwin, Executive Director of Open North, Cyrus Tehrani, City of Hamilton's Chief Digital Officer, Natasha Tusikov, Assistant Professor at York University, and moderator Zachary Spicer of York University.
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Video | 2022

Municipalities and the Platform Economy: Where Do We Go From Here?

On February 1, 2022, a panel of academics and practitioners looked at the future of the relationship between municipalities and the platform economy. Looking at examples from across the country the panel examined questions including: What trends around the platform economy are lasting, which are short term? What new regulation is needed? Are new taxation models or user fee frameworks needed? The panel included Betsy Donald of Queen's University, Jason Reynar, Chief Administrative Officer for the City of Windsor, David Wachsmuth of McGill University and moderator Zachary Spicer of York University.
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Perspectives Paper | 2018

Bold Election Ideas for the Toronto Region

Elections are a time to assess what has happened in our community since the last election and ask questions – often uncomfortable questions – about the places we live and the environment we are creating for those who live here. In the lead-up to the 2018 Ontario municipal election, the Institute on Municipal Finance and Governance has commissioned a series of short pre-election papers to add to the dialogue and tap into the ideas of some of the GTHA’s most respected leaders. As you read these short papers, you will see that we have covered a wide range of themes – transportation, housing, homelessness, youth, neighbourhoods, Indigenous peoples, mental health, decent work, policing, universities, arts and culture, and regional and local governance.
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