Search Results for: Big Data

Special Projects | 2017

Visualizing Ontario's Municipal Finance Data (data visualization project)

The Institute on Municipal Finance and Governance (IMFG) at the University of Toronto and the Institute without Boundaries (IwB) at George Brown College have worked together on a data visualization pilot project that brings municipal finance data to life. Leveraging the municipal finance expertise of IMFG and the design experience of the IwB and School of Design at George Brown College, this collaborative project is intended to highlight key issues in Ontario’s municipal finance and illuminate them in compelling and accessible ways.
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IMFG Paper | 2016

Cities, Data, and Digital Innovation

This paper defines the terms Big Data, Open Data, Open Government, and Smart Cities and uses two case studies – London (U.K.) and Toronto – to examine questions about using data to drive economic growth, improve the accountability of government to citizens, and offer more digitally enabled services.
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Presentation | 2015

Big City, Big Ideas: Data Innovation and City Governance

Rapid developments in digital innovation and in the availability and application of large-scale data sets create opportunities both for new economic activities and jobs, and for new and cheaper ways of delivering city services. They also hold out possibilities for new ways that governments can engage with citizens, while at the same time raising concerns about data privacy.
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Video | 2015

Big City, Big Ideas: Data Innovation and City Governance

This video features a lecture by IMFG Visiting Scholar Mark Kleinman. Rapid developments in digital innovation and in the availability and application of large-scale data sets create opportunities both for new economic activities and jobs, and for new and cheaper ways of delivering city services. They also hold out possibilities for new ways that governments can engage with citizens, while at the same time raising concerns about data privacy.
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Presentation | 2014

Opening Up the City of Toronto

IMFG Graduate Fellowship winner Andrew Do investigates the benefits of open data and presents findings on the state of the City of Toronto’s open government and open data efforts based upon a survey of the literature, best practices, and key informant interviews.
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