Search Results for: Climate Change

Presentation | 2017

Toronto's Resilience Strategy

Elliott Cappell, Chief Resilience Officer, City of Toronto, presented at the IMFG event "What Makes a Resilient City?", co-sponsored 100 Resilient Cities, Pioneered by the Rockefeller Foundation, on Sept 14th, 2017.
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Presentation | 2017

Climate Finance in Ontario: Can Debt Financing Be Green?

Can debt financing be “green”? On June 21, IMFG post-doctoral fellow Gustavo Carvalho presented on climate financing in Ontario cities, looking at financial instruments and strategies that have been successfully implemented elsewhere, with a focus on green bonds, environmental impact bonds, and green banks.
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Presentation | 2017

PlaNYC as a change management effort

As part of an ongoing series on climate change and cities, IMFG co-sponsored an event featuring speakers from Toronto, Los Angeles, and New York, who discussed their experiences with climate change mitigation and effective steering strategies for local governments.
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Presentation | 2017

Urban Climate Innovation in Toronto

As part of an ongoing series on climate change and cities, IMFG co-sponsored an event featuring speakers from Toronto, Los Angeles, and New York, who discussed their experiences with climate change mitigation and effective steering strategies for local governments.
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Presentation | 2017

Mitigating Climate Change in Los Angeles

As part of an ongoing series on climate change and cities, IMFG co-sponsored an event featuring speakers from Toronto, Los Angeles, and New York, who discussed their experiences with climate change mitigation and effective steering strategies for local governments.
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