Search Results for: Infrastructure and Housing

Presentation | 2013

Ottawa's Transit P3: The Confederation Line

A growing number of cities are turning to public-private partnerships (P3s) to finance their infrastructure investments. What are the advantages and disadvantages of P3s as a municipal financing model? How do they work? And what role do the federal and provincial governments play?
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IMFG Paper | 2013

Trading Density for Benefits: Toronto and Vancouver Compared

This paper describes and evaluates density for benefit agreements (DBAs) in Toronto and Vancouver. DBAs allow municipalities to secure cash contributions or amenities from developers in return for allowing developers to exceed currently prevailing height and density restrictions.
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Perspectives Paper | 2013

Trading Density for Benefits: Section 37 Agreements in Toronto

In the Toronto policy and planning community, Section 37 (S37) of the Planning Act is the source of much debate and disagreement. This paper suggests there should be serious consideration of whether to abolish, reform, or replace it with alternative tools, such as inclusionary housing policies or fixed charges.
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Presentation | 2012

Big City, Big Ideas: The Hudson Yards

IMFG, along with the School of Public Policy and Governance, the Department of Geography and Planning, Urban Strategies, and Global City Indicators Facility, presented the first lecture in the series, "Big City, Big Ideas," entitled Hudson Yards, NYC: The History, Challenges and Opportunities of North America’s Largest City-Building Development.
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IMFG Paper | 2012

IMFG Graduate Student Papers

Baumeister’s paper suggests policy changes for using the development charge as a planning tool. Burgess reviews the risks to Canadian municipal finance from extreme weather and analyzes the financial tools that cities can use to prepare for extreme weather events.
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Presentation | 2012

Section 37: What 'Benefits' and for Whom?

In recent years, the City of Toronto’s use of Section 37 has come under greater scrutiny. In particular, critics question how the benefits are determined and distributed. Using data compiled on Section 37 agreements from 2007 through 2011, this presentation seeks to answer that question.
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Presentation | 2012

Adding Value: The Link between Engineers and Municipal Infrastructure Finance and Governance

The Canadian water and wastewater deficit has been estimated to be in the billions of dollars. Drawing upon the political, economic, and technical history of the Southern Ontario water sector, IMFG Graduate Fellowship winner Lesley Herstein explores how short-term decision-making has often resulted in greater municipal expenditure over time on water assets.
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