Search Results for: Infrastructure and Housing

Presentation | 2008

Bringing Broader Resources to Bear: Chicago's Foray into Public-Private Partnerships

Co-sponsored by the Toronto Community Foundation, on April 15, 2008, with a presentation by Dana Levenson, Managing Director, Head of North American Infrastructure, Royal Bank of Scotland (Chicago) and former Chief Financial Officer for the City of Chicago. Mr. Levenson was joined by panelists Blake Hutcheson, President of CB Richard Ellis Ltd. and Chair of the 2008 Mayor's Fiscal Review Panel, and Andy Manahan, Executive Director of the Residential and Civil Construction Alliance of Ontario.
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Presentation | 2008

Bringing Broader Resources to Bear: Chicago's Foray into Public-Private Partnerships

Co-sponsored by the Toronto Community Foundation, on April 15, 2008, with a presentation by Dana Levenson, Managing Director, Head of North American Infrastructure, Royal Bank of Scotland (Chicago) and former Chief Financial Officer for the City of Chicago. Mr. Levenson was joined by panelists Blake Hutcheson, President of CB Richard Ellis Ltd. and Chair of the 2008 Mayor's Fiscal Review Panel, and Andy Manahan, Executive Director of the Residential and Civil Construction Alliance of Ontario.
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