Search Results for: Infrastructure and Housing

IMFG Paper | 2022

Evaluating Affordable Housing Outcomes in Toronto: An Analysis of Density Bonusing Agreements

Over the last several decades, municipalities have increasingly relied on the private sector to help build affordable housing. Julie Mah analyzes and maps the affordable housing outcomes achieved in Toronto through Section 37 agreements. Between 1988 and 2018, the ad hoc use of Section 37 generated a limited number of affordable units. However, as the city implements a new inclusionary zoning policy in November 2021, Mah’s analysis of where, how many, and what type of affordable units were produced through Section 37 agreements creates a baseline against which the new approach can be evaluated
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Who Does What Report | 2022

The Municipal Role in Housing

The four papers in this report identify the ideal role of municipalities in housing policy, where municipalities currently face constraints, how other orders of government can support municipalities, and where intergovernmental cooperation is needed.
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Presentation | 2021

10th Annual IMFG Toronto City Manager’s Address

In this presentation for the tenth annual IMFG City Manager Address, Chris Murray spoke to the urgency of a whole-of-community and whole-of-government approach to tackle the precursors of homelessness before the downstream consequences and costs multiply for all orders of government.
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Video | 2021

10th Annual IMFG Toronto City Manager’s Address

In this video of the 10th Annual IMFG City Manager's Address, Chris Murray spoke to the urgency of a whole-of-community and whole-of-government approach to tackle the precursors of homelessness before the downstream consequences and costs multiply for all orders of government.
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