Search Results for: Intergovernmental Relations

Who Does What Report | 2022

The Municipal Role in Economic Development

The three papers in this report identify where municipalities currently face constraints, how other orders of government can support municipalities, and where intergovernmental cooperation is needed.  
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Who Does What Report | 2022

The Municipal Role in Housing

The four papers in this report identify the ideal role of municipalities in housing policy, where municipalities currently face constraints, how other orders of government can support municipalities, and where intergovernmental cooperation is needed.
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Special Projects | 2022

Meeting in the Middle: How to Increase Cooperation and Get Provincial-Municipal Relations Right

As part of Ontario 360’s Transition Briefings, IMFG Manager of Programs and Research Tomas Hachard and IMFG Director Enid Slack write about how an incoming provincial government can tailor municipal governance and provincial-municipal relations to address major policy challenges that require significant intergovernmental cooperation.
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IMFG Paper | 2021

Provincial-Local Equalization in Canada: Time for a Change?

New IMFG and Urban Project paper reviews the current state of provincial-municipal equalization transfers in Canada and suggests ways to improve their design. Arguing that no province provides adequate equalization for municipalities, the authors take a critical look at the mechanics of such a transfer, and how it should ideally operate. Issues that first need to be resolved range from determining how local needs are calculated to ascertaining how municipal fiscal capacity is measured. Slack and Bird conclude with some suggestions for what is needed to devise fair, efficient, and transparent provincial-municipal equalization systems.
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Video | 2021

Indigenous-Municipal Relations in Canada: Where Do We Stand?

In this video, Doug Anderson and Alexandra Flynn discuss some of the key questions on the way to improved Indigenous-municipal relationships. Working from their paper for IMFG, Anderson and Flynn look at how Indigenous-municipal relations can move forward in a reciprocal and respectful manner.
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