Search Results for: Intergovernmental Relations

IMFG Paper | 2020

Power and Purpose: Canadian Municipal Law in Transition

Zack Taylor and Alec Dobson examine the state of municipal empowerment by presenting an overview of municipal law in Canada’s 10 provinces. They identify similarities and variations within and among the provinces in how they articulate the provincial-municipal relationship, municipal powers and jurisdiction, the organization of municipal institutions, and financial powers.
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Special Projects | 2020

In It Together: Clarifying Provincial-Municipal Responsibilities in Ontario

This report from Ontario 360, the Institute on Municipal Finance and Governance, and the Urban Policy Lab explores the relationship between the Province and Ontario’s 444 municipalities – how it has become so intertwined and why the time has come for a reassessment that ensures Ontarians receive the highest quality, most effective, and most efficient services from their governments.
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Special Projects | 2019

Summary Report for City of Toronto-TTC Transit Expert Advisory Panel

In May 2019, the City of Toronto and TTC established an Expert Advisory Panel to provide input and advice to inform the City and TTC’s engagement with the Province on Ontario on the Ontario-Toronto Realignment of Transit Responsibilities Review. IMFG was engaged to help design the panel and facilitated panel discussions on various topics relating to the current state challenges of transit in the Toronto region, role of transit in city building, integrated mobility, governance, and funding.
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Perspectives Paper | 2019

Transit in the Greater Toronto Area: How to Get Back on the Rails

Toronto is an emerging global city. Yet the failure to build rapid transit in step with the explosive growth of the past 40 years is one of the city-region’s biggest impediments to inclusive development and prosperity. This paper outlines how transit planning in the Greater Toronto Area can be improved through changes to governance and the role of evidence in decision-making.
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