Search Results for: Intergovernmental Relations

IMFG Paper | 2017

The Evolving Role of City Managers and Chief Administrative Officers

The often hidden, but very important, relationship between the municipal council and the public service is a key determinant of the success of any municipality. This paper offers some suggestions for positive ways in which the CAO model can develop and warns of some clouds on the horizon that could harm the Canadian municipal government system.
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Forum Paper | 2016

Participatory Budgeting: The Practice and the Potential

Participatory budgeting is a democratic process in which community members directly decide how to spend part of a public budget. Several Canadian cities are experimenting with participatory budgeting. This Forum paper describes participatory budgeting efforts in Toronto and elsewhere.
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Perspectives Paper | 2016

National Urban Policy: A Roadmap for Canadian Cities

The 21st century has seen a renewed interest internationally in national urban policies. This paper draws on the experience of countries that have explicitly pursued national urban policies to solve complex and interrelated urban challenges.
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Forum Paper | 2015

Requiem for an Institution: The End of the Indian Planning Commission

The Indian Government’s decision to dissolve the Central Planning Commission in August 2014 marks an important watershed for India’s current government. This paper examines the newly established National Institution for Transforming India Aayog and its implications for India’s development policies.
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Perspectives Paper | 2014

Linking Regions, Linking Functions

This paper describes the reasons for forming inter-municipal agreements, discusses the different forms these agreements take, and presents the findings of a 2012 survey of Ontario municipalities that examined the nature of shared services arrangements.
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