Search Results for: Urban and Regional Planning

Forum Paper | 2016

Participatory Budgeting: The Practice and the Potential

Participatory budgeting is a democratic process in which community members directly decide how to spend part of a public budget. Several Canadian cities are experimenting with participatory budgeting. This Forum paper describes participatory budgeting efforts in Toronto and elsewhere.
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Presentation | 2016

Accessibility, Transportation Planning, and Fairness

In this presentation, Professor Karel Martens discusses the consequences of “the accessibility turn” - arguing, first, that the assessment of accessibility is not merely an option, but a moral obligation for transportation authorities, and second, that the focus on accessibility inevitably requires these authorities to explicitly address questions of fairness.
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Book | 2016

The Boundary Bargain: Growth, Development, and the Future of City-County Separation

Detailing the development of municipal institutions, the original logic behind the city-county separation, and the eventual shift in institutional and municipal organization, this book demonstrates that urban and rural areas have always had a reciprocal relationship and that both play an important role in the strength of the national economy and the broader local community. Focusing on three case studies of separated cities and their counties that still retain strict city-county separation, former IMFG Post-Doctoral Fellow Zachary Spicer reveals how this policy works, what problems it poses, and examines the best practices for addressing growth, development, and sprawl from a regional perspective.
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