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Video | 2021

Indigenous-Municipal Relations in Canada: Where Do We Stand?

In this video, Doug Anderson and Alexandra Flynn discuss some of the key questions on the way to improved Indigenous-municipal relationships. Working from their paper for IMFG, Anderson and Flynn look at how Indigenous-municipal relations can move forward in a reciprocal and respectful manner.
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Video | 2021

A Self-Help Approach: Urban Design in Accra’s Informal Settlements

In this video, IMFG Post-Doctoral Fellow Hsi-Chuan Wang provides a number of examples of self-help cases from an informal settlement in Accra, Ghana, to highlight how they have built up the settlers’ daily public spaces. Wang argues that this kind of urban design represents a social movement that strengthens community norms and helps lead to political and social change.
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Presentation | 2021

A Self-Help Approach: Urban Design in Accra’s Informal Settlements

In this presentation, IMFG Post-Doctoral Fellow Hsi-Chuan Wang provided a number of examples of self-help cases from an informal settlement in Accra, Ghana, to highlight how they have built up the settlers’ daily public spaces. Wang argued that this kind of urban design represents a social movement that strengthens community norms and helps lead to political and social change.
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