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IMFG Paper | 2020

Theme and Variations: Metropolitan Governance in Canada

The question of how best to govern large urban areas has long preoccupied policymakers, particularly as metropolitan areas have become recognized as drivers of national prosperity and globalization. This paper identifies five governance models in operation across the country and identifies five themes and trends in metropolitan governance.
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Perspectives Paper | 2020

A Playbook for Voluntary Regional Governance in Greater Toronto

The coronavirus pandemic has thrown into relief a range of health, social, and economic challenges for municipalities in the Greater Toronto region. These challenges – such as lack of affordable housing, income inequality, the need to spur economic development, and the impact of climate change – all spill across municipal boundaries and need to be addressed through cooperation and coordination at the regional scale.
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Forum Paper | 2020

Charting A New Path: Does Toronto Need More Autonomy?

Across Canada, and particularly in Toronto, calls for increased municipal autonomy and the protection of municipal authority in the Canadian constitution have been getting louder. These issues have become no less significant following the onset of the COVID-19 crisis, which has revealed the limits of municipal powers and financial resources, while also demonstrating the importance of provincial and federal support for municipalities in difficult times.
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Special Projects | 2020

Designing Property Tax Deferrals in Response to the COVID-19 Crisis

In an effort to provide financial relief to citizens and local businesses in response to the COVID-19 crisis, some Canadian municipalities are introducing or expanding property tax deferral programs. Designing Property Tax Deferrals answers 10 questions that municipalities should consider when designing property tax deferral programs, highlighting some considerations and implications.
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