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Presentation | 2018

Housing Access & Urban Governance

Alejandra Reyes, IMFG 2018-2019 Post-Doctoral Fellow, presented in her research seminar, "Housing Access & Urban Governance: Lessons from Mexico’s Recent Experience," on the tension between Mexico's federal housing finance strategies and municipal governance and implementation, the policy shortcomings at different levels, and the implications of a lack of coordination.
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Video | 2018

Behind the City Beat: A Pre-Election Media Panel

What are the policy issues that matter in the 2018 Ontario municipal election? What goes into covering the city hall press beat? On October 2, 2018, IMFG and School of Cities assembled a panel of journalists who explored how they cover municipal elections, which policy issues matter most, and how to adapt and stay relevant in the changing media landscape.
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Perspectives Paper | 2018

A Check-up on Toronto’s Fiscal Health, 2018

Before the last municipal election in 2014, IMFG issued a Perspectives Paper on Toronto’s Fiscal Health (Is Toronto Fiscally Healthy? A Check-up on the City’s Finances by Enid Slack and André Côté). In that paper, we undertook an assessment of the state of the City’s finances in four areas: spending and services; taxes and revenues; debt and savings; and infrastructure.
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Perspectives Paper | 2018

Bold Election Ideas for the Toronto Region

Elections are a time to assess what has happened in our community since the last election and ask questions – often uncomfortable questions – about the places we live and the environment we are creating for those who live here. In the lead-up to the 2018 Ontario municipal election, the Institute on Municipal Finance and Governance has commissioned a series of short pre-election papers to add to the dialogue and tap into the ideas of some of the GTHA’s most respected leaders. As you read these short papers, you will see that we have covered a wide range of themes – transportation, housing, homelessness, youth, neighbourhoods, Indigenous peoples, mental health, decent work, policing, universities, arts and culture, and regional and local governance.
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Forum Paper | 2018

Legacies of the Megacity: Toronto’s Amalgamation 20 Years Later

In 1998, Metropolitan Toronto and its six lower-tier municipalities – Toronto, Etobicoke, Scarborough, North York, East York, and York – were amalgamated to form the new City of Toronto. The decision to amalgamate was controversial. Proponents argued that streamlining service delivery would yield major cost savings for the city and its residents. Opponents claimed that eliminating Metro’s lower-tier municipalities would diminish the quality of democratic representation.
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Presentation | 2018

Toronto: The Accidental Metropolis

Joe Berridge, Partner, Urban Strategies; Professor- Geography and Planning, University of Toronto, presented as part of the event Toronto: The Accidental Metropolis on June 20, 2018.
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Video | 2018

Toronto: The Accidental Metropolis

Toronto is evolving with a style and character unique in the world, widely recognized for its livability. Now its economic power and its critical and largely successful function as a crucible of immigrant settlement is becoming more and more evident. Remarkably, the emergence of Canada’s cities on the world stage, and Toronto’s rise to the top dozen in global status, has been largely accidental. How did this happen?
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