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IMFG Paper | 2018

Climate Finance for Canadian Cities: Is Debt Financing a Viable Alternative?

This paper explores climate finance, the provision of financing by private actors for projects intended to decrease carbon emissions or make cities more resilient to the impacts of climate change. It analyzes four climate financing tools used in other jurisdictions – green bonds, environmental impact bonds, catastrophe bonds, and green banks – and their feasibility under current Ontario regulations.
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Video | 2018

Promise and Peril in the Smart City: Local Government in the Age of Digital Urbanism

This video features a panel event convened on January 25, 2018 on the implications of ‘smart’ innovations for local governments. Speakers include Tracey Cook (Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards, City of Toronto), Pamela Robinson (Associate Professor, School of Urban and Regional Planning, Ryerson University), Peter Sloly (Partner and National “Security & Justice” Lead, Deloitte), Zac Spicer (Visiting Researcher, Institute on Municipal Finance and Governance), and John Lorinc (event moderator, Senior Editor, Spacing).
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Forum Paper | 2018

Finding Common Ground: Interlocal Cooperation in Canada

A range of municipalities are considering or already using interlocal agreements in a variety of policy areas. Canadian municipalities with such agreements generally report high levels of satisfaction with them. Surprisingly, however, we find less cooperation between Canadian municipalities than we find in other parts of the world.
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