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Presentation | 2015

Value Capture: A Land Based Tool to Finance Urban Development

Generally understood as a way of allowing the public to benefit from rising land values that result from government investments in infrastructure, or from administrative or regulatory changes in land uses, land value capture can take many different forms. In this presentation, Martim Smolka spoke about the theory and practice of land value capture as it has been implemented in Latin America.
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Perspectives Paper | 2014

Linking Regions, Linking Functions

This paper describes the reasons for forming inter-municipal agreements, discusses the different forms these agreements take, and presents the findings of a 2012 survey of Ontario municipalities that examined the nature of shared services arrangements.
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Presentation | 2014

Did The Land Transfer Tax Affect Housing Sales In The Greater Toronto Area?

IMFG Visiting Scholar Murtaza Haider explores the impact of the Land Transfer Tax (LTT) on housing sales in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). Previous research has shown that housing sales declined after the implementation of the LTT but Dr. Haider’s research concludes that the negative impact on housing sales was not statistically significant.
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