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Presentation | 2013

Growth and Development in Rural Counties Surrounding Separated Cities

A number of cities in Ontario are separated cities that are not politically connected to the counties in which they are geographically located. Although the original intention was that urban growth would be directed toward the separated city and the county would remain rural, many counties that surround separated cities have also been growing. What are the implications of city-county separation?
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Presentation | 2013

London’s Crossrail: A Case Study in Transit Investment

The Crossrail is a transformative transit investment that will traverse London. It was planned through a rigorous process that focused on supporting the region’s economic growth and reducing congestion by shifting travel patterns, connecting employment areas, and capturing the resulting increase in land values. How did they get there?
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Video | 2013

London’s Crossrail: A Case Study in Transit Investment

This video features a lecture by Jimm Berry, Senior Vice President at Hatch Mott MacDonald. The Crossrail is a transformative transit investment that will traverse London. It was planned through a rigorous process that focused on supporting the region’s economic growth and reducing congestion by shifting travel patterns, connecting employment areas, and capturing the resulting increase in land values. How did they get there?
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Book | 2013

Governance and Finance of Metropolitan Areas in Federal Systems

This volume examines the governing structure and finances of metropolitan areas in federal systems. Taking a comparative approach, each chapter examines two large metropolitan areas in a federal country, including Australia (South East Queensland and Perth); Brazil (Belo Horizonte and São Paulo); Canada (Toronto and Vancouver); Germany (Hamburg and Central Germany); India (Hyderabad and Mumbai); South Africa (Cape Town and Gauteng metropolitan region); Spain (Barcelona and Madrid); Switzerland (Geneva and Zurich); and the United States (Louisville and Los Angeles).
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