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Perspectives Paper | 2013

Trading Density for Benefits: Section 37 Agreements in Toronto

In the Toronto policy and planning community, Section 37 (S37) of the Planning Act is the source of much debate and disagreement. This paper suggests there should be serious consideration of whether to abolish, reform, or replace it with alternative tools, such as inclusionary housing policies or fixed charges.
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Presentation | 2013

Merging Municipalities: The Case of Toronto

IMFG hosted a panel discussion entitled, "Municipal Mergers in Montreal and Toronto: Is Bigger Better?", featuring remarks from Enid Slack, Richard M. Bird, Jean-Philippe Meloche, and François Vaillancourt.
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Presentation | 2013

Merging Municipalities: Is Bigger Better?

IMFG hosted a panel discussion entitled, "Municipal Mergers in Montreal and Toronto: Is Bigger Better?", featuring remarks from Enid Slack, Richard M. Bird, Jean-Philippe Meloche, and François Vaillancourt.
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Presentation | 2013

Montreal as a Megacity: The Need For Recent Reforms

IMFG hosted a panel discussion entitled, "Municipal Mergers in Montreal and Toronto: Is Bigger Better?", featuring remarks from Enid Slack, Richard M. Bird, Jean-Philippe Meloche, and François Vaillancourt.
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Perspectives Paper | 2013

The Fault Lines at City Hall

Drawing on academic literature, media reporting, and some illustrative events, this paper takes a careful look at local government in Toronto and examines three of the major fault lines that are causing friction at City Hall.
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Video | 2012

Big City, Big Ideas: The Politics of City Finance

Today, American cities generally have more independent authority and fiscal autonomy than their Canadian counterparts. Home Rule status and other legal rights provide municipal governments with significant authority to govern their own affairs without constant state intervention. Yet, in the age of devolution, has federalism really worked to support the service delivery challenges of American cities?
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IMFG Paper | 2012

Economies of Scale in Fire and Police Services in Ontario

This paper analyzes economies of scale for two municipal services by considering how per-household municipal costs are affected by a municipality’s size. An econometric model is used to estimate costs associated with fire and police services using data for 445 municipalities in the Province of Ontario.
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IMFG Paper | 2012

Hungary: An Unfinished Decentralization?

This paper examines the system of municipal finance in Hungary with special attention to the current changes in the regulation and finance of Hungarian municipalities and the change in central control over municipal finances in general after 2008, and suggests possible reforms.
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