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Presentation | 2012

Booms, Busts, and Bailouts: Fiscal Federalism and Subnational Credit

Excessive borrowing by local and regional governments is an important source of macroeconomic instability in monetary unions. Credit markets often indulge this behaviour (lending too much at excessively low interest rates) if they expect national officials to bail out struggling local jurisdictions. Drawing on cross-national and Canadian data, Hanniman discussed the role and limits of fiscal federal institutions in shaping these bailout beliefs.
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Presentation | 2012

Big City, Big Ideas: The Hudson Yards

IMFG, along with the School of Public Policy and Governance, the Department of Geography and Planning, Urban Strategies, and Global City Indicators Facility, presented the first lecture in the series, "Big City, Big Ideas," entitled Hudson Yards, NYC: The History, Challenges and Opportunities of North America’s Largest City-Building Development.
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Video | 2012

Big City, Big Ideas: Hudson Yards, NYC

In this video, IMFG, along with the School of Public Policy and Governance, the Department of Geography and Planning, Urban Strategies, and Global City Indicators Facility, presented the first lecture in the series, “Big City, Big Ideas,” entitled Hudson Yards, NYC: The History, Challenges and Opportunities of North America’s Largest City-Building Development.
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Forum Paper | 2012

Moving our Region: Funding Transportation for our Future

During 2011 and 2012, the Institute on Municipal Finance and Governance (IMFG) hosted a speakers’ series called Moving our Region on funding regional transportation. This report distills the key lessons from the series.
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