IMFG seeks Research Assistant for September
A part-time Research Assistant (RA) is being sought for a six month period, commencing September 2014. The successful applicant will be responsible for supporting a number of IMFG’s exciting research […]
Slack and Cote Op Ed in the Toronto Star about Toronto’s fiscal health
On August 13th, an Opinion/Commentary piece written by IMFG’s Enid Slack and Andre Cote was published in the Toronto Star called “Toronto doesn’t have a ‘spending problem.’”
Aaron Moore’s IMFG research quoted in Toronto Star article on Soknacki’s social housing repair plan
IMFG Fellow Aaron Moore’s research on Section 37 was quoted in a Toronto Star article about Toronto mayoral candidate David Soknacki’s social housing repair plan.
IMFG Graduate Fellowship Recipients for 2014-15
IMFG is pleased to announce the two graduate fellowship recipients for the 2014-15 academic year.
New paper by Anne Golden on the governance of regional transit systems
A new paper by Anne Golden reviews the governance of regional transit systems in Washington, DC, New York, and Toronto. The paper was prepared while in residence in Washington for […]