CBC Online: Aaron Moore on Winnipeg Mayor’s Bid to Remove Mayoral Powers
IMFG Fellow Aaron Moore commented on Winnipeg mayor Scott Gillingham’s request to the provincial government to remove some mayoral powers on CBC Online.
Toronto Star: Enid Slack on a Long-term Fix for Toronto’s Budget Disaster
IMFG Director Enid Slack spoke about the city’s need for income or sales taxes to the Toronto Star for an article on potential long-term fixes for Toronto’s budget disaster.
Canadian Press: Enid Slack on Inflationary Pressures on Property Taxes
IMFG Director Enid Slack spoke to the Canadian Press on inflationary pressures on property taxes and the municipal need to find alternate sources of revenues. The story appeared in the […]
TVO Today: Alan Broadbent on Strong Mayor Powers
IMFG Chair Alan Broadbent wrote an op-ed called “Strong-mayor powers shouldn’t mean minority rule” for TVO Today and referenced IMFG Fellow Zack Taylor’s draft paper on the Strong(er) Mayors panel.
Ottawa Morning: Carolyn Whitzman on Ottawa’s Vacant Unit Tax
IMFG contributor Carolyn Whitzman spoke with CBC Radio’s Ottawa Morning to discuss Ottawa’s new vacant unit tax.
Toronto Star: Adam Found on Housing Affordability and Development Charges
Kofi Hope interviewed IMFG contributor Adam Found for a column in the Toronto Star on whether waiving development charges will make housing more affordable in Ontario.