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Presentation | 2018

Is Municipal Cooperation a Silver Bullet?

Graham Sansom, Visiting Scholar, Institute on Municipal Finance and Governance, presented “Is Municipal Cooperation a Silver Bullet? An Australian Perspective” as part of the event Is Municipal Cooperation a Silver Bullet? Experience from Australia, Brazil, and Canada on June 14, 2018.
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Presentation | 2018

Is Municipal Cooperation a Silver Bullet?

Zachary Spicer, Visiting Researcher, Institute on Municipal Finance and Governance, presented “Cooperation, Competition and Collaboration in Canada’s Municipal Sector” as part of the event Is Municipal Cooperation a Silver Bullet? Experience from Australia, Brazil, and Canada on June 14, 2018.
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Presentation | 2018

The reality of sub-national taxation in conflict-affected states

Taxation is critical to rebuilding infrastructure and ensuring sustainable peace and development in conflict-affected countries. However, when policymakers and international donors approach the task of rebuilding fiscal systems, they base their ideas on the experience of developed countries.
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