Presentation | 2011

Municipal Finance and Governance in Canada

Presentation delivered by IMFG Director Enid Slack to a Study Tour of Senior Civil Servants from India and Sri Lanka, sponsored by the Institute of Public Administration in Canada in partnership with the School of Public Policy and Governance, University of Toronto.
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Presentation | 2011

What I Have Learned About Cities

The Institute on Municipal Finance and Governance (IMFG) hosted a presentation on September 8th entitled, What I have learned about cities. Keynote Speaker was Anne Golden, Ph.D., C.M. Anne has been President and Chief Executive Officer of The Conference Board of Canada since October 2001.
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Presentation | 2011

Infrastructure Planning and Financing

Presentation by IMFG Director Enid Slack at a workshop on “Governance of Metropolitan Regions in Federal Systems,” sponsored by the European Union Committee of the Regions and the Forum of Federations, in Brussels, Belgium.
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