Search Results for: Infrastructure and Housing

Presentation | 2015

The Diminishing Returns to Density: Built form and soft infrastructure costs

Conventional wisdom and the literature in urban planning suggest that high density built form is preferable to low density because it is more environmentally sustainable and results in lower hard infrastructure costs. This presentation entertains the other side of the argument: that high density built form can increase soft infrastructure costs.
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Presentation | 2014

Did The Land Transfer Tax Affect Housing Sales In The Greater Toronto Area?

IMFG Visiting Scholar Murtaza Haider explores the impact of the Land Transfer Tax (LTT) on housing sales in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). Previous research has shown that housing sales declined after the implementation of the LTT but Dr. Haider’s research concludes that the negative impact on housing sales was not statistically significant.
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Presentation | 2013

Eb Zeidler: Buildings Cities Life

A new two-volume, 1,635-page autobiography explores the life, architecture, and philosophy of Eberhard (Eb) Zeidler, from his early life and studies at the Bauhaus to the present. This event celebrated Eb’s remarkable impact on architectural history, and explore some of the contemporary trends that are influencing the design of buildings and cities into the future.
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Presentation | 2013

London’s Crossrail: A Case Study in Transit Investment

The Crossrail is a transformative transit investment that will traverse London. It was planned through a rigorous process that focused on supporting the region’s economic growth and reducing congestion by shifting travel patterns, connecting employment areas, and capturing the resulting increase in land values. How did they get there?
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