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Video | 2013

London’s Crossrail: A Case Study in Transit Investment

This video features a lecture by Jimm Berry, Senior Vice President at Hatch Mott MacDonald. The Crossrail is a transformative transit investment that will traverse London. It was planned through a rigorous process that focused on supporting the region’s economic growth and reducing congestion by shifting travel patterns, connecting employment areas, and capturing the resulting increase in land values. How did they get there?
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Video | 2013

Big City, Big Ideas: The Millennials in Cities

This video features the fourth lecture in the “Big City, Big Ideas” series. Millennials are changing the face of cities. Educated, diverse and tech-savvy, this highly urbanized generation of ‘teens to thirty-somethings’ is expressing a new set of values about how they want to live, work, and play. Yet, their influx into North America’s cities is also surfacing difficult questions about housing affordability, access to employment, gentrification, and race. As urban demographics and civic values shift, what will the implications be for North America’s cities?
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Video | 2013

Big City, Big Ideas: Planning the Big Event

As we count down to the Toronto 2015 Pan Am/Para-Pan Am Games, what are the lessons from other cities which welcomed the world? How can new venues and infrastructure be planned to maximize community benefits and reduce disruption? What happens after the big event?
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Video | 2012

Big City, Big Ideas: The Politics of City Finance

Today, American cities generally have more independent authority and fiscal autonomy than their Canadian counterparts. Home Rule status and other legal rights provide municipal governments with significant authority to govern their own affairs without constant state intervention. Yet, in the age of devolution, has federalism really worked to support the service delivery challenges of American cities?
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Video | 2012

Big City, Big Ideas: Hudson Yards, NYC

In this video, IMFG, along with the School of Public Policy and Governance, the Department of Geography and Planning, Urban Strategies, and Global City Indicators Facility, presented the first lecture in the series, “Big City, Big Ideas,” entitled Hudson Yards, NYC: The History, Challenges and Opportunities of North America’s Largest City-Building Development.
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