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Video | 2014

Toronto: Looking Forward 2014-2018

This video features Toronto City Manager Joe Pennachetti in his third annual address to IMFG. In the presentation, he discusses the key challenges facing municipalities, the City’s fiscal position, and the strategic directions the City must weigh to build for the future.
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Presentation | 2014

Opening Up the City of Toronto

IMFG Graduate Fellowship winner Andrew Do investigates the benefits of open data and presents findings on the state of the City of Toronto’s open government and open data efforts based upon a survey of the literature, best practices, and key informant interviews.
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Other | 2014

The Dynamics of Municipal Cooperation in Canadian Metropolitan Areas

This paper finds that municipalities within Canadian metropolitan areas are signing very few inter-local agreements, especially in comparison to large American metropolitan areas, and provides some preliminary explanations for this trend. Overall, it is argued that provincially imposed regional initiatives and central city annexation is why so few Canadian cities view inter-local cooperation as a solution to servicing dilemmas.
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Presentation | 2014

Basic Concepts of Service Delivery

Presentation delivered by IMFG Director Enid Slack to the Inter-Regional Dialogue on Local Governance and Gender in Decentralizing and Transitioning States in Tunis on February 15, 2014.
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