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IMFG Paper | 2012

You Get What You Pay For: How Nordic Cities Are Financed

The Nordic countries are small, unitary, and have largely homogeneous populations. Municipalities are the most important agents in the decentralized public sector. There are lessons to be learned from country to country in the field of local government financing, but comparisons need to be made with care.
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IMFG Paper | 2012

Property Tax Reform in Vietnam: A Work in Progress

In 2012, Vietnam will celebrate 25 years of economic reform and structural readjustment from a largely centralized, subsidized economy to one based on market principles. This paper reviews existing property-based taxes and outlines the potential for a land tax to effectively replace the current property tax.
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Presentation | 2012

Moving our Region: Transportation for the Future Session 1

Around the world, there is a broad understanding of the role that strategic investments in transportation play in advancing metropolitan and national economies. In the current context, investments in roads and transit are more important than ever. We need new approaches to how these projects are conceived, funded, and delivered while, at the same time, reinvesting in existing infrastructure.
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Presentation | 2012

Funding Public Parks in Tough Times: An Innovation Agenda

This presentation focuses on the role that parks and libraries play as contributors to broader urban policy objectives. How do libraries and parks affect and leverage the quality of life, sustainability, and economic growth in the city? In a period of fiscal austerity, what are the appropriate roles for the public sector, the private sector and the scope for partnerships in both the funding and management of these spaces?
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Presentation | 2012

Shared Spaces: Funding and Managing Libraries and Parks in Tough Times

This presentation focuses on the role that parks and libraries play as contributors to broader urban policy objectives. How do libraries and parks affect and leverage the quality of life, sustainability, and economic growth in the city? In a period of fiscal austerity, what are the appropriate roles for the public sector, the private sector and the scope for partnerships in both the funding and management of these spaces?
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