IMFG Fellow Zack Taylor wrote an op-ed in the Toronto Star to call for municipalities across Canada to receive a share of the HST.
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CBC Online: Enid Slack on ‘Who Does What’ and Toronto’s Fiscal Situation
IMFG Director Enid Slack discussed the need to determine ‘who does what’ and who pays for what in light of Toronto’s poor fiscal shape with CBC Online.
Find out more »Toronto Star: Alan Broadbent on How Taylor Swift Toronto Concerts Do Not Benefit City Revenues
IMFG Chair Alan Broadbent wrote an op-ed in the Toronto Star on how the 2024 Taylor Swift concerts will not benefit City of Toronto revenues but add to costs.
Find out more »The Conversation: Alexandra Flynn and Carolyn Whitzman on Housing and the Federal Government
IMFG Fellow Alexandra Flynn and Municipal Role in Housing contributor Carolyn Whitzman co-authored an article in The Conversation on how housing is a direct federal responsibility.
Find out more »The Trill: Enid Slack on the Challenges Facing Canadian Municipalities
IMFG Director Enid Slack appeared on The Trillium’s podcast The Trill to discuss the pressures municipalities face today and the changes needed to improve their financial picture, such as a […]
Find out more »Globe and Mail: Enid Slack on Toronto’s Plan to Draw Down the Pandemic Reserve Fund
IMFG Director Enid Slack shared her concern with the Globe and Mail on the City of Toronto’s plan to draw down the pandemic reserve fund to fill the budget hole […]
Find out more »CBC Manitoba: Aaron Moore on the Lack of a Municipal Council during Wildfires
IMFG Fellow Aaron Moore commented to CBC Manitoba on how the lack of a municipal council hampered communication on wildfires for the residents of Leaf Rapids.
Find out more »Saskatoon Morning: Enid Slack on Solving the Funding Gap for Cities
IMFG Director Enid Slack appeared on CBC Radio’s Saskatoon Morning to discuss Saskatoon’s funding gap, the experience of other Canadian cities, and figuring out who does what.
Find out more »Canadian Press: Enid Slack on Toronto’s Financial Situation
IMFG Director Enid Slack appeared in a Canadian Press article to discuss that Toronto needs to do to address its financial situation. IMFG Fellow Zack Taylor was also quoted in […]
Find out more »Toronto Star: Zack Taylor Op-ed on Toronto Votes and Strong Mayor Powers
IMFG Fellow Zack Taylor published an op-ed in the Toronto Star on how voters should consider how Toronto mayoral candidates would use the strong mayor powers.
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